Zettili explains all in a very clear way. I felt as if I had been wandering in a morass of mediocrity with all the good books written about this subject until I came across Quantum Mechanics: It is worth the effort. Carefully structured, the book starts with the experimental basis of quantum mechanics and then discusses its mathematical tools. Since it encompasses scattering, time-dependent perturbation theory and many-particles systems, the dedicated student can also use it for a second course in Quantum Mechanics, while advancing in the wonderous journey of the subatomic world - a journey which will eventually end in Quantum Field Theory. This book gives me excellent background and help me to keep up with my studing in master degree. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics by David J. nouredine zettili quantum mechanics

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As I said, this is expected because a book cannot fully meechanics both approaches. There then follow the postulates which are based on experiments and without which the further development of the theory would not be possible.

Concepts and Applications, 2nd Edition. They are intended to empower students to become independent learners and adept practitioners of quantummechanics. Concepts and Applications provides a clear, balanced and modern introduction to the subject.

Quantum Mechanics: Concepts and Applications : : Concepts and Applications

Oct 24, Komail rated it really liked it Shelves: Open Preview See a Problem? Michael Cross rated it liked it Mar 05, This richly illustrated textbook provides a clear, balanced and modern approach to quantum mechanics.

Whatever path one takes in science this is a MUST read book. It is very useful book for specially physics student and specially before higher education to learning principle of quantum physics with a large number of solved examples and a lot of exercise. Containing many examples and problems with step-by-step solutions, this cleverly structured text assists the reader in mastering the machinery of quantum mechanics.

The large number of worked out example problems are a real boon to the student, and the topics are covered in a logical order. If you are a seller for this product, would you like to suggest nourednie through seller support? Provides an in-depth treatment of the practical mathematical tools of quantum mechanics.

nouredine zettili quantum mechanics

After wearing out a few pens and filled more than a few legal pads with calculations you will be well prepared for advanced graduate-level courses. You will find many interesting and non-trivial problems here.

Quantum Mechanics: Concepts and Applications : Nouredine Zettili :

Amazon Renewed Mechanifs products you can trust. Jonathan rated it it was amazing Dec 16, This is done in a mehanics successful way, although you can find better traditional textbooks on Quantum Mechanics that go into more detail on some mechanivs the material by offering more extensive intuitive explanations.

Want to Read saving…. The first starts right away with the Schrodinger equation; the latter gives an historical context about how quantum physics arose, but fails to develop a strong physical intuition.

At the end of every chapter there are a selection of worked problems which greatly enhance the understanding of the subject I really like the book and strongly recomment it to beginning undergraduates as well as advanced students who want get a grasp of the subject very well.

Nehal Mathur rated it it was amazing Jun 26, Subsequent chapters cover the formal foundations of the subject, the exact solutions of the Schrodinger equation for one and three dimensional potentials, time-independent and time-dependent approximation methods, and finally, the theory of scattering.

Definitely one book which could be added as a permanent to your personal library rather than being borrowed from somewhere. He captures your attention and imagination in the nohredine chapter and keeps you engaged throughout this marvelous writing experience.

Nothing fancy and no thrilling unusual insights, just standard Quantum Mechanics presented in a systematic, nouredjne manner.

nouredine zettili quantum mechanics

One person found this helpful. He patiently takes the reader through topic after topic and explains the thought process very diligently. Postulates of Quantum Mechanics. Zettili does a wonderful job of skirting the line between too much formalism and not enough rigor.

This book is one of the better ones I have read on the subject. AmazonGlobal Ship Orders Internationally. Onuredine material is suitable for two undergraduate semesters and one graduate level semester. English Choose a language for shopping. Carefully structured, the book starts with zettii experimental basis of quantum mechanics and then discusses its mathematical tools.
